Father and Daughter, Tom Roberts and Caitlin Roberts Sullivan
Tom attributes Furbush-Roberts success not only to his experienced employees but also to a continuing effort to adopt new technologies. Despite the cutting-edge printing equipment and pre-press technology, the company still gladly accommodates more conventional pre-press and printing requirements.
To learn more about the considerable capabilities found at Furbush-Roberts Printing please visit the other pages on our website. But as always, feel free to call Tom or Caitlin at 1-800-649-9409 or (207) 945-9409 or stop in our offices on the Odlin Road in Bangor anytime. We want to be the resource for all your printing needs!
A good part of knowing where your company is going is remembering and appreciating where it has been. Furbush-Roberts Printing Company has a solid and successful history that buoys their voyage into the future.
Furbush-Roberts Printing Company was founded in 1908 by Oliver Furbush. Key to it’s early success was the work of two energetic employees–Elmer Roberts and Harry Riley. In 1937, Oliver Furbush passed away and his wife Evelyn operated the business for over a year with the help of her only employees, Roberts and Riley.
In 1938, Elmer Roberts purchased the printing company and employed his son, Charles Roberts. The company grew quickly and soon needed additional space. A piece of land in Bangor was purchased in 1956 and a new building was erected, large enough to hold its current operation.
Elmer Roberts retired as company president in 1966, after 55 years in the printing business. Charles adapted to the continual growth of Furbush-Roberts, as well as the printing industry, by converting from letterpresses to offset presses. Charles’ son Thomas C. Roberts, joined the firm in 1971 after graduating from the Rochester Institute of Technology with a degree in Printing Management. After 47 years of dedicated service Charles Roberts retired in 1985, leaving the business for Tom to manage and continue to expand.
Tom is now working to turn the business over to his daughter, Caitlin Roberts Sullivan. She, too is an RIT graduate with a degree in Printing Management. Caitlin joined the firm in 1999 after spending a year as an assistant production manager for a printer in North Carolina. Caitlin will be the fourth generation of the Roberts family to run the company.
Furbush-Roberts has grown into one of the largest printers in the Bangor region. Critical to their continuing success is it’s staff of experienced employees, some of whom have been with the company for over 40 years.